Who Invented Zero? A Journey Back to Ancient Mesopotamia

In the realm of mathematics, zero stands as a foundational concept, serving as the numerical representation of nothingness or absence. It is a number that holds great significance and plays a pivotal role in our numerical system. But have you ever wondered who invented zero? Unraveling the origins of this enigmatic numeral takes us on a journey through the annals of history, traversing different cultures and civilizations.

While the concept of zero may seem elementary to us now, its discovery was a remarkable achievement that revolutionized mathematics and had far-reaching implications for fields such as astronomy, engineering, and finance. The story of zero’s invention is a tale of intellectual curiosity, human ingenuity, and cross-cultural exchange.

The quest for zero began in ancient times, with several civilizations making significant contributions to its development. One of the earliest known mentions of a placeholder resembling zero dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, around 300 BCE. The Babylonians, renowned for their advancements in mathematics, employed a sexagesimal numeral system that utilized a placeholder symbol to denote an empty position.

However, it was the Indian mathematicians who made the groundbreaking leap in the evolution of zero. Around the 5th century CE, Indian mathematicians of the Gupta Empire devised a symbol, initially represented as a dot, to signify zero. This symbol, known as shunya, found its way into ancient Indian texts such as the Brahmasphutasiddhanta, written by the mathematician Brahmagupta. Brahmagupta’s treatise is considered a seminal work that extensively explored the properties and operations involving zero.

The concept of zero and its symbol gradually spread westward, making its way to the Arab world. It was through the Islamic Golden Age that zero gained widespread recognition and acclaim. Persian and Arab mathematicians, including Al-Khwarizmi and Al-Kindi, further developed the Indian numeral system, incorporating zero and its arithmetic implications into their works. Their efforts laid the foundation for the Hindu-Arabic numeral system that we use today.

In Europe, the introduction of zero was met with skepticism and resistance. However, during the Renaissance period, European mathematicians, such as Leonardo Fibonacci, discovered the merits of the numeral system imported from the Arab world. Fibonacci’s influential book, Liber Abaci, published in 1202 CE, introduced the Hindu-Arabic numerals, including zero, to European mathematicians and merchants. This pivotal moment marked the gradual acceptance and integration of zero into European mathematics.

While the invention of zero was a collaborative effort spanning centuries and continents, it is important to note that zero itself is a concept born out of human intellectual curiosity and the need to express absence or nothingness. Its emergence and evolution across different civilizations laid the groundwork for the development of advanced mathematical and scientific concepts, making zero an indispensable cornerstone of modern mathematics.

Today, the profound impact of zero can be witnessed in various disciplines, from advanced calculus and theoretical physics to computer science and digital technology. It serves as a gateway to abstract thinking and complex mathematical models, enabling us to solve intricate problems and explore the vast realms of quantitative analysis.

So, the next time you encounter the number zero, remember the rich tapestry of history, the contributions of mathematicians like Brahmagupta, Al-Khwarizmi, and Fibonacci, and the diverse cultures that converged to give birth to this remarkable concept. In this way, zero becomes not just a mere numeral but a symbol representing human achievement, innovation, and the timeless pursuit of knowledge.

Brief History of Zero:

The origins of zero can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where the need for a symbol to represent nothingness became apparent. One of the earliest known instances of zero as a placeholder can be found in ancient Mesopotamia, where the Babylonians employed a sexagesimal numeral system. Although they did not possess a dedicated symbol for zero, they utilized a placeholder to denote empty positions within their numerical system.

However, it was in India where zero took its first steps toward becoming a fully-fledged concept. Around the 5th century CE, during the golden age of the Gupta Empire, Indian mathematicians embarked on a remarkable journey of discovery. Led by luminaries such as Aryabhata and Brahmagupta, they recognized the need for a numerical symbol that could represent nothingness.

The ancient Indians, with their deep mathematical insights, devised a symbol for zero represented by a dot. Known as shunya, this symbol found its way into ancient Indian texts, including the influential treatise Brahmasphutasiddhanta written by Brahmagupta. In his work, Brahmagupta explored the properties and mathematical operations involving zero, setting the stage for its future development and significance.

The concept of zero gradually made its way to the Arab world, where it flourished during the Islamic Golden Age. Arab mathematicians, building upon the knowledge of their Indian counterparts, further refined the concept of zero. Scholars such as Al-Khwarizmi and Al-Kindi recognized the significance of zero within the Indian numeral system and contributed to its advancement. The fusion of Indian and Arab mathematics led to the creation of the revolutionary Hindu-Arabic numeral system, which incorporated zero and a positional notation.

The Hindu-Arabic numeral system, with zero as its cornerstone, offered a versatile and efficient means of representing numbers. Its adoption brought about a profound shift in mathematics, enabling more complex calculations and laying the foundation for the development of advanced mathematical concepts. This numeral system eventually replaced cumbersome and limited numerical systems, such as the Roman numeral system, and revolutionized mathematics and commerce across the globe.

In Europe, the acceptance of zero was met with skepticism and resistance. However, during the Renaissance period, European mathematicians began to appreciate the merits of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system. One notable figure in this movement was the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci. In his seminal work Liber Abaci, published in 1202 CE, Fibonacci introduced the Hindu-Arabic numerals, including zero, to Europe. This pivotal moment marked the gradual acceptance and integration of zero into European mathematics, forever transforming numerical calculations and facilitating scientific progress.

The invention and widespread adoption of zero ushered in a new era in mathematics. Zero became a cornerstone of numerical systems, providing a framework for complex mathematical operations and paving the way for the development of advanced branches of mathematics such as algebra, calculus, and number theory.

Sumerian Culture and Zero:

The Sumerian culture of ancient Mesopotamia stands as one of the earliest civilizations in human history. Known for their remarkable advancements in various fields, including writing, architecture, and mathematics, the Sumerians left an indelible mark on the development of human civilization. In the realm of mathematics, their contributions were particularly significant, as they provided key evidence for the invention of zero.

Mesopotamia, often referred to as the cradle of civilization, was a region situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It was here, in the ancient city-states of Sumer, that numerical concepts began to take shape. The Sumerians, with their advanced system of writing called cuneiform, left behind a wealth of clay tablets containing mathematical calculations, including glimpses of the concept of zero.

One notable Sumerian artifact that sheds light on the early understanding of zero is the Plimpton 322 tablet. This clay tablet, dating back to around 1800 BCE, is a mathematical text that presents a list of Pythagorean triples, sets of three whole numbers satisfying the Pythagorean theorem. Among these triples, some entries contain a placeholder symbol, which has been interpreted as an early representation of zero. While the Sumerians did not have a distinct symbol for zero, their use of a placeholder indicates an understanding of the concept of nothingness or absence.

Another significant Sumerian artifact is the Kish tablet, which dates back to around 700 BCE. This tablet contains a series of numbers with blank spaces representing missing values. The inclusion of these blank spaces suggests that the Sumerians recognized the need to denote the absence of a quantity, an essential characteristic of zero.

The Sumerians’ understanding of zero was further evidenced in their sophisticated number system. They employed a base-60 numeral system called sexagesimal, which is still reflected in our measurement of time (60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour). In this system, the absence of a numerical value was indicated by an empty position, akin to our modern concept of zero as a placeholder. The Sumerians’ mathematical texts and calculations, preserved on clay tablets, attest to their proficiency in utilizing zero and understanding its significance in numerical operations.

It is important to note that while the Sumerians demonstrated an understanding of zero as a placeholder, their conceptualization of zero as a number with independent mathematical properties was not fully developed. The concept of zero as a distinct numeral and its arithmetic implications would be further refined and expanded upon by later civilizations.

The transmission of mathematical knowledge from the Sumerians to other cultures in the region played a crucial role in the development and dissemination of numerical concepts. As Mesopotamia witnessed the rise and fall of various empires, such as the Babylonians and the Assyrians, mathematical knowledge evolved and spread. These subsequent civilizations built upon the foundations laid by the Sumerians, expanding the understanding and applications of zero.

The Babylonians, in particular, made significant advancements in mathematics and employed a sexagesimal system similar to that of the Sumerians. Their clay tablets, such as the YBC 7289 and the YBC 6967, reveal the use of zero as a placeholder in numerical notations and calculations. The Babylonians’ sophisticated mathematical techniques, including algebraic methods and astronomical observations, relied heavily on the concept of zero.

The Mayans and Zero:

The Mayan civilization of Mesoamerica is renowned for its architectural marvels, astronomical prowess, and sophisticated written language. Among their many accomplishments, the Mayans made significant contributions to the world of mathematics, including the invention of zero. This groundbreaking concept revolutionized numerical systems and paved the way for advanced calculations and astronomical predictions.

The Mayan civilization flourished in the region that is now present-day Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. From approximately 2000 BCE to 1500 CE, the Mayans developed a complex society that placed great importance on mathematics and astronomy. They recognized the need for a symbol to represent nothingness or absence in their numerical system, thus giving birth to zero.

The earliest evidence of the Mayan invention of zero can be found in their hieroglyphic writing and mathematical calculations. Mayan glyphs, intricately carved into stone monuments and codices, depicted various numerical values, including zero. The Mayans used a shell-shaped symbol known as the seashell glyph to represent zero, signifying an empty quantity or a placeholder.

One remarkable example of Mayan mathematics is the Dresden Codex, a bark-paper manuscript dating back to the 11th or 12th century CE. Within its pages, complex mathematical calculations, astronomical observations, and predictions can be found. The codex contains instances where the seashell glyph is used to denote zero, demonstrating the Mayans’ profound understanding of the concept.

The Mayans’ development of zero was not limited to a symbolic representation. They also devised a positional numeral system that allowed for more efficient calculations and advanced mathematical operations. Similar to other ancient civilizations, such as the Babylonians and the Indians, the Mayans used a base-20 numeral system. In this system, zero played a crucial role as a placeholder, allowing the representation of larger numbers.

The Mayan numeral system combined various symbols to represent different quantities. A dot represented one, a horizontal bar represented five, and the seashell glyph represented zero. By combining these symbols, the Mayans could express numbers ranging from one to nineteen, as well as multiples of twenty, up to four hundred. This positional numeral system, incorporating zero, was an extraordinary achievement that laid the foundation for advanced mathematical calculations.

The Mayans’ profound understanding of zero extended beyond numerical notations. They applied zero to complex astronomical calculations, especially in their study of celestial cycles and the tracking of celestial bodies. The Mayans’ astronomical observations, along with their sophisticated mathematical system, allowed them to predict astronomical events with astonishing accuracy.

One prominent Mayan site that highlights their astronomical prowess is the Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque, Mexico. The temple contains inscriptions and carvings depicting astronomical symbols and mathematical calculations. These intricate representations demonstrate the Mayans’ deep understanding of celestial cycles and the incorporation of zero in their astronomical calculations.

The Mayans’ invention of zero had a profound impact on their society and culture. It enabled them to make significant advancements in mathematics, astronomy, architecture, and timekeeping. Their knowledge of zero and numerical systems contributed to the development of highly accurate calendars, which were essential for agricultural planning, religious ceremonies, and societal organization.

It is noteworthy that the Mayans’ invention of zero occurred independently of other civilizations, such as the Indians and the Babylonians, who also developed zero. This independent discovery highlights the universality and inherent importance of zero in the evolution of human mathematics.

Fibonacci and His Work on Zero:

Early Life and Education:

Born as Leonardo of Pisa in the 12th century, Fibonacci was a native of Pisa, Italy. Little is known about his early life, but he is believed to have received an extensive education in mathematics and arithmetic, both in North Africa and from renowned mathematicians of the time. This educational foundation laid the groundwork for his revolutionary contributions to the field of mathematics.

Zero as a Concept:

One of Fibonacci’s most notable contributions to mathematics was his exploration of zero. In the Western world, zero had been a concept largely ignored until Fibonacci’s time. While ancient civilizations had recognized the absence of quantity, Fibonacci was instrumental in introducing zero as a placeholder, a concept crucial for the development of the decimal system. His understanding of zero’s significance paved the way for advanced mathematical calculations and opened up new possibilities in numerical systems.

The Liber Abaci:

Fibonacci’s magnum opus, the Liber Abaci, stands as a testament to his profound understanding of mathematics. In this groundbreaking work, he introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and the decimal system to the Western world. The Liber Abaci not only explained the practical use of zero but also detailed its application in arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This influential treatise played a pivotal role in the dissemination of zero as a fundamental concept in Western mathematics.

Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio:

While Fibonacci’s work on zero was significant, he is also renowned for his discoveries in number sequences and the Fibonacci sequence in particular. The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones (e.g., 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on). This sequence fascinated Fibonacci as he observed its prevalence in various natural phenomena, from the growth patterns of plants to the proportions found in art and architecture.

The Fibonacci sequence led to the discovery of the Golden Ratio, a mathematical ratio of approximately 1.618. The Golden Ratio has captivated mathematicians, artists, and architects throughout history, as it is believed to represent aesthetically pleasing proportions found in nature and art. Fibonacci played a crucial role in popularizing this concept, showcasing the inherent beauty and harmony found within mathematics.

Legacy and Influence:

Fibonacci’s work on zero and the Fibonacci sequence has had a profound and lasting impact on the field of mathematics. His insights and discoveries laid the foundation for further advancements in number theory, algebra, and geometry. The introduction of zero as a numerical concept revolutionized mathematical calculations and enabled progress in various scientific and technological disciplines.

Aryabhatta and his Work on Zero: The Mathematical Genius

In the vast landscape of human history, certain individuals emerge as extraordinary luminaries who reshape the course of civilization. One such luminary was Aryabhatta, an ancient Indian mathematician and astronomer who made groundbreaking contributions to the field of mathematics. His work on zero, a concept that revolutionized numerical systems, has left an indelible mark on the annals of human knowledge. In this article, we delve into the life and achievements of Aryabhatta, exploring his profound insights on zero and the lasting impact of his contributions.

Early Life and Education:

Aryabhatta was born in the year 476 CE in Kusumapura, present-day Patna in Bihar, India. Little is known about his early life, but it is believed that he received a comprehensive education in mathematics, astronomy, and other sciences at Nalanda University, an ancient center of learning in India. Aryabhatta’s fascination with numbers and the celestial realm laid the foundation for his remarkable journey into the realm of mathematics.

Zero as a Concept:

One of Aryabhatta’s most significant contributions to mathematics was his deep exploration of zero. Before his time, ancient civilizations lacked a symbol to represent zero in their numerical systems, hindering mathematical progress. Aryabhatta recognized this void and formulated the concept of zero as a placeholder in numerical calculations. This breakthrough not only simplified mathematical operations but also paved the way for advanced mathematical principles and the decimal system.

The Aryabhatiya:

Aryabhatta’s magnum opus, the Aryabhatiya, stands as a testament to his profound understanding of mathematics and astronomy. This comprehensive treatise consists of four chapters covering various aspects of mathematics and astronomy. In the second chapter, titled Ganitapada, Aryabhatta elucidates the concepts of place value, zero, and the decimal system. He expounds on the methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, laying the foundation for advanced mathematical calculations.

The Mathematical Genius:

Aryabhatta’s contributions to mathematics extend beyond the concept of zero. He formulated ingenious solutions to complex mathematical problems, proving his deep insight into numerical relationships. His methods for solving quadratic equations, calculating square roots, and determining the values of trigonometric functions were far ahead of his time. Aryabhatta’s prowess in mathematics led him to unravel the mysteries of celestial bodies and accurately predict astronomical events.

Astronomy and Aryabhatta:

While Aryabhatta’s work on zero revolutionized mathematics, he was equally fascinated by the celestial realm. In his treatise, the Aryabhatiya, he expounded upon the principles of astronomy. Aryabhatta presented a heliocentric model of the solar system, proposing that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. This revolutionary idea predated the Western world’s acceptance of a heliocentric model by several centuries. Aryabhatta also calculated the Earth’s circumference and the duration of a year with remarkable accuracy.

Legacy and Influence:

Aryabhatta’s work on zero and his broader contributions to mathematics and astronomy had a profound and lasting impact. His groundbreaking insights served as the foundation for subsequent advancements in Indian and global mathematics. The concept of zero, introduced by Aryabhatta, spread across different civilizations and eventually transformed numerical systems worldwide. His innovative methods and mathematical principles continue to influence scholars and mathematicians to this day.

Aryabhatta’s work on zero not only revolutionized mathematics but also had broader implications for various fields. The introduction of zero as a numerical concept enabled advancements in algebra, geometry, and calculus. It provided a solid framework for precise calculations, measurements, and scientific discoveries.

Furthermore, Aryabhatta’s contributions extended to practical applications in areas such as commerce, architecture, and astronomy. The use of zero in commercial transactions streamlined accounting practices, facilitating accurate calculations of profits, losses, and debts. In architecture, the incorporation of zero allowed for precise measurements and intricate designs. In the field of astronomy, Aryabhatta’s mathematical insights were instrumental in predicting celestial events and understanding the movements of celestial bodies.

Brahmagupta and his Work on Zero:

In the vast landscape of mathematical pioneers, few names shine as brightly as Brahmagupta. Hailing from ancient India, Brahmagupta made significant contributions to the field of mathematics, particularly in the realm of number theory and algebra. His groundbreaking work on zero and negative numbers revolutionized numerical systems and laid the foundation for future advancements. In this article, we delve into the life, achievements, and profound insights of Brahmagupta, exploring his exceptional contributions to the world of mathematics.

Early Life and Education:

Brahmagupta, whose full name was Brahmagupta the Great, was born in the 7th century CE in the city of Ujjain, located in present-day Madhya Pradesh, India. Little is known about his early life, but it is believed that he received a comprehensive education in mathematics, astronomy, and other sciences prevalent during that era. His intellectual curiosity and passion for numbers propelled him to unravel the mysteries of mathematics.

Brahmasphutasiddhanta: The Magnum Opus:

Brahmagupta‘s magnum opus, the Brahmasphutasiddhanta, stands as a testament to his profound understanding of mathematics and astronomy. This influential treatise covers a wide range of mathematical topics, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. The Brahmasphutasiddhanta introduced innovative ideas and formulas, revealing Brahmagupta‘s keen insight into number theory and mathematical operations.

Revolutionizing Numerical Systems with Zero:

One of Brahmagupta‘s most significant contributions to mathematics was his profound understanding of zero. While the concept of zero had been recognized in ancient civilizations, Brahmagupta developed explicit rules for its mathematical use and manipulation. He established zero as a number with specific properties, defining its role in addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Brahmagupta‘s work on zero revolutionized numerical systems and laid the foundation for the decimal system as we know it today.

Pioneering Negative Numbers:

In addition to zero, Brahmagupta made pioneering contributions to the understanding of negative numbers. He provided rules for arithmetic operations involving negative numbers, such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Brahmagupta‘s work on negative numbers expanded the horizons of mathematical thinking, enabling mathematicians to explore new concepts and solve complex equations.

Astronomy and Mathematics:

Brahmagupta‘s interests extended beyond pure mathematics to the celestial realm. He made significant contributions to astronomy, including precise calculations of planetary positions and astronomical phenomena. His work on trigonometry, particularly the study of spherical trigonometry, provided accurate methods for celestial calculations, allowing for more precise predictions of celestial events.

Legacy and Influence:

Brahmagupta‘s contributions to mathematics have had a profound and enduring impact. His profound insights into zero, negative numbers, and celestial calculations have influenced generations of mathematicians and scholars. His work served as a cornerstone for further advancements in algebra, number theory, and trigonometry.

Al-Khwarizmi and His Work on Zero

Early Life and Education:

Al-Khwarizmi, whose full name was Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, was born in the 9th century in the city of Khwarizm, located in present-day Uzbekistan. Little is known about his early life, but it is believed that he received an exceptional education in mathematics, astronomy, and other sciences of his time. His passion for numbers and calculations propelled him on a remarkable journey that would reshape the course of mathematics.

Zero as a Concept:

One of al-Khwarizmi’s most significant contributions to mathematics was his profound exploration of zero. In his seminal work, the Kitab al-Jabr wal-Muqabala (Book of Restoration and Balancing), he introduced the concept of zero as a fundamental numerical entity. Prior to his time, ancient civilizations lacked a symbol to represent zero in their numerical systems, which hindered mathematical progress. Al-Khwarizmi recognized the need for a symbol to denote zero, and this breakthrough revolutionized mathematical calculations and laid the groundwork for the decimal system.

The Kitab al-Jabr wal-Muqabala:

Al-Khwarizmi’s masterpiece, the Kitab al-Jabr wal-Muqabala, is a comprehensive treatise on mathematics that serves as a testament to his profound understanding of the subject. In this seminal work, he explores various branches of mathematics, including arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. The treatise not only explains mathematical concepts but also provides practical methods for solving equations and mathematical problems.

Algebra and al-Khwarizmi:

The term “algebra” itself can be traced back to al-Khwarizmi. His work in algebra, particularly in solving linear and quadratic equations, laid the foundation for the development of this branch of mathematics. In his treatise, al-Khwarizmi introduced systematic methods for balancing equations and solving unknowns. His approach, known as al-jabr, involved moving negative terms from one side of the equation to the other, thus simplifying the process of solving equations.

The Influence of Zero:

Al-Khwarizmi’s work on zero not only revolutionized mathematics but also had a profound impact on various fields. The introduction of zero as a numerical concept paved the way for the development of the decimal system, which is now widely used across the globe. The decimal system streamlined mathematical calculations and enabled precise measurements, leading to advancements in fields such as commerce, engineering, architecture, and astronomy.

Key Dates in Zero Concept Development:

The Early Stages: Placeholder and Absence: The earliest traces of the zero concept can be found in ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians and the Mayans. In these cultures, zero was primarily used as a placeholder, indicating an empty position within numerical notations. It served to differentiate between numbers and represented the absence of quantity.

Indian Mathematics: The Birth of Zero as a Number: The groundbreaking development of zero as a number can be attributed to the ancient Indian mathematicians. In the 5th century CE, the Indian mathematician Aryabhatta formulated the concept of zero as a numeral in his treatise, the Aryabhatiya. This marked a pivotal moment in zero’s evolution, as it shifted from being solely a placeholder to an actual number with mathematical significance.

Arab Scholars: Preservation and Advancement: During the 8th and 9th centuries, Arab scholars played a crucial role in preserving and advancing the concept of zero. They translated and expanded upon the works of Indian mathematicians, particularly al-Khwarizmi and his treatise, the Kitab al-Jabr wal-Muqabala. Arab mathematicians recognized the importance of zero as a place-value digit and its role in mathematical operations, further contributing to its development.

Leonardo Fibonacci: Zero Enters the Western World: In the 13th century, Italian mathematician Fibonacci introduced the concept of zero to the Western world through his influential work, the Liber Abaci. Fibonacci’s treatise not only presented the practical use of zero but also emphasized its significance in arithmetic operations and calculations. This marked a turning point in the adoption and acceptance of zero in European mathematics.

The Renaissance and Beyond: Zero as a Foundation: During the Renaissance, the concept of zero gained broader recognition and acceptance in Europe. Mathematicians such as John Napier and Simon Stevin further contributed to its development. Napier introduced the concept of logarithms, which relied on the inclusion of zero, while Stevin popularized decimal fractions, incorporating zero as an essential component.

Modern Mathematics: Zero in the Digital Age: With the advent of computers and digital technology, zero has become an integral part of everyday life. In the 20th century, mathematicians and computer scientists further explored the properties of zero and its role in complex mathematical systems. The discovery of binary code and Boolean algebra highlighted the importance of zero as a fundamental element in digital computations.


In the quest to determine the inventor of zero, we uncover a fascinating history that spans different cultures and time periods. While it is challenging to attribute the invention of zero to a single individual, we can trace its development and evolution through various civilizations.

Ancient Indian mathematicians, notably Aryabhatta, made significant strides in formulating zero as a numeral in the 5th century CE. Their groundbreaking work in mathematics, as documented in the Aryabhatiya, laid the foundation for the understanding and use of zero.

Arab scholars played a crucial role in preserving and advancing the concept of zero during the 8th and 9th centuries. Figures such as al-Khwarizmi and his treatise, the Kitab al-Jabr wal-Muqabala, contributed to the development of zero as a place-value digit and its significance in mathematical operations.

The introduction of zero to the Western world can be attributed to Italian mathematician Fibonacci and his influential work, the Liber Abaci, in the 13th century. Fibonacci’s treatise not only presented the practical use of zero but also emphasized its importance in arithmetic calculations.

Throughout history, numerous mathematicians and scholars have contributed to the understanding and refinement of zero, including John Napier, Simon Stevin, and modern researchers in the digital age.

In summary, while it is difficult to pinpoint a single inventor of zero, it is clear that the development and recognition of zero as a numerical concept involved the contributions of multiple cultures and mathematicians across different eras. Zero’s significance in mathematics and its pivotal role in numerical systems make it a foundational concept that continues to shape our understanding and application of numbers today.


  1. Aryabhatta. (5th century CE). Aryabhatiya.
  2. Al-Khwarizmi. (8th-9th century). Kitab al-Jabr wal-Muqabala.
  3. Fibonacci. (13th century). Liber Abaci.
  4. Napier, J. (1614). Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio.
  5. Stevin, S. (1585). De Thiende.
  6. Bell, E. T. (1937). Men of Mathematics.
  7. Boyer, C. B., & Merzbach, U. C. (2010). A History of Mathematics.
  8. Ifrah, G. (1985). The Universal History of Numbers.
  9. Hogendijk, J. P. (2008). Al-Khwarizmi, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Musa.
  10. O’Connor, J. J., & Robertson, E. F. (1999). Fibonacci.
  11. Singh, P. (2000). The Universal History of Computing.
  12. van der Waerden, B. L. (1963). Science Awakening.
  13. Katz, V. J. (1998). A History of Mathematics.

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